Teesside Lady Golfers' Alliance
Promoting Ladies' Golf throughout Teesside
TLGA Constitution
The Teesside Lady Golfers’ Alliance (TLGA) started as an alliance of golf clubs within the Teesside area & has since expanded to include other clubs. All of the golf clubs must be affiliated to England Golf.
The object of the TLGA shall be to organise friendly golf competitions and meetings through a series of events, open to members of affiliated clubs, under the rules of golf as laid down by the R&A and England Golf.
Membership of the TLGA shall be open to all female amateur member golfers of affiliated clubs with an active Handicap Index (HI) of 34.0 or less on entry and all professional lady golfers who are retained/employed by the member clubs, upon payment of the agreed membership fee. Applications to become a member may be made anytime to the secretary via the club’s representative. Membership fees should be paid by the date of the AGM or immediately after acceptance.
Affiliated Clubs
The clubs are: Barnard Castle, Bedale, Billingham, Bishop Auckland, Blackwell Grange, Castle Eden, Catterick, Cleveland, Darlington, Dinsdale, Eaglescliffe, Hartlepool, Hunley, Ingleby Barwick, Middesbrough, Richmond, Romanby, Saltburn, Seaton Carew, Teesside, Wilton, and Wynyard. Notice of resignation must be given to the Secretary by 31st December, prior to the AGM.
Each affiliated club must provide a named representative to be part of the committee. The representative may also be an officer. Each club has only one vote. If the representative is unable to attend a meeting, she may nominate someone else to represent her club and vote.
The management of the TLGA will be by an Executive Committee of 6 officers and one representative from all of the affiliated clubs.
The officers are: Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, who are elected for a maximum of three years, Lady President/Chairman, and the Vice President who are elected at the AGM for one year, and the Past President.
Each club shall be entitled to one vote only. The President/Chairman holds the casting vote.
Duties of the Management Committee
To oversee the operation of the TLGA, and to agree the rules of all competitions, to consider any amendments to the rules which may be brought forward by members. To ensure financial probity and to keep the members of the TLGA fully informed. To nominate and name the Officers to be put before the AGM and to appoint substitute officer if any resignations are received prior to the AGM.
Duties of the Officers
Lady President:
To chair the Management Meetings and perform duties as agreed by the management committee. To organise the after-dinner entertainment at the annual dinner.
To be responsible for running the competitions, maintaining a register of members, calling Management and AGM meetings and updating the Rules of the TLGA as and when necessary.
Assistant Secretary:
To assist the Secretary with her role and take responsibility for any delegated tasks, eg running the Charity Raffle and the Annual Dinner.
To be responsible for keeping the accounts and providing prizes for all events. An audited balance sheet must be presented at the AGM. The financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
Vice President:
To deputise for the President when requested.
Past President:
To organise the Past Presidents’ Day and Committee Outing at her club.
Meetings of the Committee
There shall be at least one meeting per year that shall be called by the Secretary and a minute secretary shall be appointed to ensure all decisions are recorded.
Honorary Members
Honorary Membership may be bestowed by the committee, but has to be ratified at the AGM and the committee shall determine the conditions under which the Honorary Member(s) may play.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the TLGA will be held in March on a date agreed by the Management Committee and clubs will receive 28 days’ notice in writing via their club representative. The Management Committee will report on what has taken place since the last AGM, present an audited balance sheet and present the annual prizes. The President/Chairman, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary will be named and elected to office. Any alterations to the constitution will be voted upon. Any members wishing to place a resolution before the AGM must submit it to the Secretary, not later than 21 days before the AGM and this resolution will be discussed by the Management Committee and their decision will be brought to the AGM for ratification.
Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called at any time by either the committee or by written request to the secretary by three clubs, stating what they wish to be discussed. This meeting must be held within 28 days of the request being received and only that matter will be discussed.
Amendments to this Constitution Any amendments to this Constitution can only be made at an AGM or specifically convened Extraordinary General Meeting.